The Trosh

Threshing, bagging and baling wheat as it used to be done

Sunday 20th September from 1pm

We haven’t forgotten this popular event amongst all the other things going on this year.  If anyone would like a stall at the event please ring Helen on 01263 768209  –  the cost is £20 but charities can come for free.

Entry will be £5 for adults as last year. Under 12 years free, and we will be on the same fields on High Noon Road on the east side of the A140 by kind permission of the Alston family.

Volunteers as always are needed to help put up tents before and take them down afterwards. Please ring Alan Witham on 01263 761156 if you can help in this way. Also talk to Helen if you can help on the refreshment rota, or Colin 01263 577288 if taking money on the gate or directing traffic is something you could do. Very many thanks in anticipation!

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